“Why do you feel called to this ministry?
We have been to many churches and have seen that there was a true need for some leadership in the area of musical worship. A lot of times, church members would say, “We wish you could come back every week!”, or “We wish you could be our Worship Pastor!” We have experienced services where there was no one to lead, or singers/musicians were limited. In fact, we had one message from a woman who was from the Philippines, who was working in Hong Kong as a migrant worker at the time. She shared with us that the underground church she was a part of had no one to lead music and no other resources for worship. So, they were pulling up a radio station that would sometimes play Christian Country music to use as their church worship time! So, we know that there is a need for these resources, not only in the United States, but worldwide. God laid it on our hearts to provide a solution option. “